SMSF Audit Specialists

Let our team of expert independent auditors monitor the compliance of your Self-Managed Superannuation Funds.


Our Service Delivery



Quick turnaround

Our standard turnaround for an audit without queries is 5 business days from receipt. This is made possible by our extensive experience, tailored systems and paperless processes.



We are experienced ASIC registered auditors. Our staff are consistently trained by experts in our field. We receive regular updates regarding changes to legislation and best practice auditing procedures.



We love to talk. You will never receive a contravention notice for an SMSF without prior consultation or discussion. Our policy is to work with you, to overcome any significant issues that may arise and then to address them appropriately.


Why work with AuditSpace?


Our business has been servicing the Queensland SMSF industry for almost 10 years.

Our clients range from middle tier CBD accounting firms to rural and suburban accounting firms. We know each of our clients by name and they us.

We pride ourselves in being accessible, knowledgeable, proficient and timely and we regularly connect with our clients working together to achieve a common goal, compliant and secure trustees.



How do you charge?

We offer both fixed fee and tailored fee arrangements. Fees are competitive and determined in consultation with you and are dependent on both the number and complexity of the funds you require to be audited.

How long does it take to complete an audit?

The completion of an audit is dependent on the information provided to us. If we receive the audit file and are not required to request additional information we generally are able to turn the audit around in 5 business days. During the weeks leading up to lodgement deadlines this may increase.


How do we send you our audits?

We accept audits by email, dropbox, google drive or other similar providers. We do not accept unscanned paper files.

Do you prepare financial statements for SMSFs?

We are unable to both prepare and audit SMSFs financial statements. We do have business partners who can assist in this space. If we can connect you with the right people we will.

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Ready to work with us?
Contact our team to get started.

Book now for a free no obligation fee proposal

What our clients say



 “With the intricacies of superannuation legislation, Xander and Orth Super have been great partners to work with regarding audit procedures and processes. Their advice and guidance have been invaluable to ensure that our clients maintain compliance for their future retirement needs. Love their friendly approach and their quick response time!”

John Stavrou
Director, Kallinicos & Co

“ Several years ago when we decided to outsource our SMSF audits, we needed a specialist independent auditor to work with. We selected Xander Orth and his team and have had a very happy experience with them. We quickly settled on the processes required to make the audit efficient and the turnaround prompt. Xander and his team will talk us through any issues to be resolved and have provided a service of the highest quality. We can recommend them unreservedly.”

Jim Wheeler
Partner, Adrians


Speak to us today
(07) 3161 2878